Sunday, July 31, 2011

Lazy Saturday

On Saturday I decided to do a little afternoon decorating.  I had previously purchased some incredible picture frames from a sweet lady off of craigslist and they were just sitting in my garage collecting dust.  So i thought hey why don't i bring them inside to collect dust?  So after cleaning the garage, going for a hike, running an errand at H&M (my fav part of the day ha) I got down to business.  It only took me about 15 minutes to set it all up and hammer everything into place.  Here's the finished product, I love it, it was simple and it gives the room such a different feel!

My "before" simple framed poster

And "after" 3 empty picture frames 

 I decoupaged pages from my favorite book of poems as the center art.


-V xoxo

Saturday, July 30, 2011

wannabe: style

I love the Dick Van Dyke Show.  I love Dick Van Dyke. I love Mary Tyler Moore. I love the writing. I love the personalities. I love how what is happening in each episode is a ridiculous version of something that I have experienced. Not that I'm accident prone or anything... that was a lie.
The internets is very much lacking photos of the set or from shooting and since I really can't watch every episode, screen grabbing the things I love, you'll have to go watch them yourself and enjoy the humor and the set and dress design. Its streaming on Hulu. Do it.

So, quickly, here are a few design elements that I am hoping to add to my home:

A whole wall full of framed ink and pen drawings. Love.

This one is all about the kitchen chairs and those open shelves.

Everything from the sofa to the chairs to the tables are just beautiful. And this was the office. I wouldn't mind going to work to an office furnished like this.
I love the Danish style. Very clean and open, tapered legs and warm teak.
One day I'll tell you a story about some lovely Danish chairs similar to these that I once had. It was sad. You'll cry.

Less about decorating and more about the cuteness... and flat front khakis. 
and more just plain cuteness.

And finally, if you needed a reason to watch, see the joyous faces below and click the pic. You'll thank me later... after you've accidentally watched 3 episodes and find yourself incredibly happy and wanting to run to your nearest thrift store for clothing and amazing chairs.


Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bad Hair Day

I cut my hair. Yes, it was my decision to do it, I put tons of thought into it, did my research, waited a few weeks to see if i was committed to the idea of the "bob" and talked the idea over with my friends.

And then .. I did it.

As I sat in that salon chair wielding the power of my hair into the very capable hands of my friend Stephanie I suppressed my nerves and told myself I wanted this.  Snip after snip she reassured me it would look fresh and hip and would be perfect for summer, I mean how could it not, we were emulating Jennifer Aniston's new hair cut.  Then the final reveal came, cap came off, smiles and a hug were given and I walked to my car, it was there in secret that i fought back the tears that were so ready to fall.  I mean it was just hair, no big deal I said to my self, you are an adult, you made this decision, this is a very silly thing to cry over. But my heart wasn't getting the message, so i did what any girl does on her way home stuck in 405 traffic I called my sister and begged her to reassure me that I looked anything other than what I felt...ugly.  With great patience and a very sympathetic heart she assured me i wasn't ugly, i didn't look 16 (when in fact i did) and that I wouldn't be alone forever as I was hysterically saying between fits of tears.

After being consoled by the roommates when I got home I did what any other young person does nowadays, I put a picture of it on Facebook in the hopes to get me out of the funk.  And they loved it (I have nice friends), they said all the lovely things that friends say when they know you hate something and need to cheer you up.  And then it came by a way of a text message...Perspective.  Would I mind praying for a friend of a friend who had just been a horrible car accident?  Of course I would and I did and that's when I realized who cares about my hair, it will grow back.  It's just a bad haircut, it's not pain, injustice or death, it is not suffering or extreme disappointment, it's not a marriage falling apart or a loss of a child's innocence, it's just hair.  I was humbled.

So remember Perspective is everything, at the end of the day it's just a haircut that will grow out thanks to flaxseed oil and a little biotin.  It's only a bad hair day so dry those tears. ;)

-V xoxo

Monday, July 18, 2011

babble: go get it

Every now and again I may shock (and possibly awe) you with a long and hopefully, likely, an interesting post.

This is one of them.

I am a creature of habit.
                      And by habit I mean... lazy.
In the morning while I eat my breakfast I look up the same websites, blogs and news sites everyday, searching out other peoples interesting lives and the impact of others on the world.
Being full of dreams, gifts, ambition, goals, passion, greatness, talent, grandeur means very little when one does nothing about those dreams, gifts, ambitions, goals, passions, greatness(es), talents and grandiose ideas.
And trust me, its more than a little frustrating knowing and actually currently thinking that I can and should be living out the dreams in my mind* and the passions of my life while surfing the interwebs, seeking out people who are doing their lives the way I want to be doing mine : Living. Creating. Acting.

I'm not meant to be normal.
                       I got a text from one of my favorite friends the other night that said, quoth: "LOcean! I am watching Sex in the City and for some reason Carries quirkiness reminds me so much of you!"
This is quite a compliment. If you know what I'm quoting when I say the following, we can be friends:
"No, you're quirky. Quirky and weird are two very different things."
Not only does it seem as though my personality is not, shall we say     boring,     but I really, really don't want my life to be boring. At all.
And honestly, my afore mentioned laziness is boring, apathetic and looks like I'm just plain lost.
There are things that I do that are not the norm.
          Restore... things... that are old.
But who I am, how I live, the choices I am making - those are the things that I want to stand out. Not only the products; the results of my making,
but the overall effect of my life should stand out. 

I should not be afraid.
                       The reason that I am so lazy is really just fear.
I am so afraid of both success and failure. The vast 'unknown'. oooohhh, how it sends shivers down my spine. 
Lately I have been seeing quotes and hearing speakers bullet point bits like 
"It's amazing how successful you can be if you simply do what you say you're going to do."
"It always seems impossible until it's done." - Nelson Mandela
"Sometimes, faith requires total trust in a future outcome you cannot see."
For the love. Its everywhere! Its like I have Nike in the 90's popping up everywhere saying "just do it" and then hitting me with the Swoosh just for laughs. (ok, that last part was the visual I had just then.) And then, instead of saying "you know what, you're right Nike. Thanks!" and then trotting off to go do it, I find some little distraction, something that doesn't really move me in the right direction, and go do that instead. Because its easier. It won't require sacrifice. It doesn't sting when it goes wrong.
But how many times have I heard and seen evidence of how important and just awesome it is when we do the things we were created to do, no matter the cost, despite the potential and inevitable failures, risking what we cling to most - our pride - and humble ourselves to the point of, heaven forbid,
being who we are supposed to be. 

Invisible Children.
Curiosity Saved the Human.

I know these people. They are living the kind of life that when you get just a snapshot of it you are inspired and understand that they are working hard at life, doing great things.

I'm not Picasso or Mozart or Mother Theresa but, for all its worth, I'm Laura Ocean, dang it, and that's pretty amazing. There isn't one single person on this great Earth like me. And there isn't one person on this great Earth like you.

To me, that is HUGE. My voice, the thing I'm supposed to use to woo you and tell you a story that may change your life, is nothing like anybody else's. My actual voice I mean. And my written, literary voice is also unique. So who am I to say that I'm not good enough? And for that matter, who are you to say that you aren't either? I'm here to tell you that you are.

Get it


(*a lyric from 'crying shame' bam!)

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

I'm Artist of The Week!

Hey all you wonderful readers!  I just wanted to share a fun little happening in my world.  I made Artist of The Week on The Sounds That Matter Website whoohooooo!!  Here is the lovely little write up if you want to see it!! ;)


Saturday, July 9, 2011

une semaine très pleine

Well, its been a very busy week & quickly pushing into a very busy weekend. Victoria has been out of town and I'm very much looking forward to her return and the giant hug that will be given to her... from me.

I'm drinking more water.
I'm running with my puppy.
I'm organizing my projects.
I'm updating my website... again.

I'm going to buy these:

bensimon sneakers
 I don't need another tattoo but if I did, I absolutely love
I would very much like one of these:

 Just because:

my friend Tim is a great musician and has a fantastic job and took this snap at work:

Day dreaming

write someone a note


Friday, July 1, 2011


so, I have the flu. No work to be done today. But, I did spot this and it made me feel better despite the grossness:
